Braces And Aligners

doctor orthodontist shows how system braces teeth is arranged

Orthodontic solutions for both children and adults.

With modern orthodontics, we are able to improve our patients’ bite, straighten their teeth and give them a beautiful smile they could be proud of. At Kadam Hi-Tech Dental Clinic , our Specialist Orthodontist offers a range of orthodontic solutions for both children and adults. Whether it be metal or ceramic braces, hidden (lingual) braces, or clear aligners like Invisalign and Eon – an orthodontic treatment is sure to improve the aesthetics of your smile, make your teeth fit better and reduce your risk of future dental problems.
Benefits of orthodontic treatments
  • Improves the aesthetics of a smile
  • Makes teeth fit better and creates a better bite
  • Makes it easier to brush and floss teeth
  • Prevents grinding and abnormal wear of the enamel
  • Prevents excess stress on supporting jawbone and gum tissue
  • Reduces risk of potentially expensive dental problems in the future
When should a child see an orthodontist?
Parents are encouraged to bring their child to an orthodontist at age 7.
A check-up allows our orthodontist to identify problems with children’s jaws and emerging teeth while some of their baby teeth are still present. This does not always mean that your child will need to start treatment right away. If necessary, our orthodontist may recommend an interceptive option to prevent serious bite problems from developing and may make treatment at a later age less complex.
Kadam Hi-Tech Dental Clinic

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